Saturday 6 October 2018

world’s biggest cryptocurrencies (ANISH PATEL)

Learn more about some of the world’s biggest cryptocurrencies

  • Bitcoin (BTC): The first and largest cryptocurrency, Bitcoin paved the way for hundreds of similar currencies and boasts a market cap of over $70 billion. Bitcoin was created by an unknown inventor who uses the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.
  • Ethereum (ETHEREUM): The world’s second-largest cryptocurrency, Ethereum is labeled by many as “the next Bitcoin”. Created by Russian programmer Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum has received international recognition and support from giant organisations such as Microsoft and Intel.
  • Litecoin (LTC): Designed by former Google engineer, Charles Lee, to improve upon Bitcoin’s technology, Litecoin offers quicker processing times and a larger number of tokens. Litecoin is also the first cryptocurrency to implement SegWit, a method of speeding up transaction times without compromising the underlying blockchain technology.
  • Ethereum Classic (ETC): Based on Ethereum’s original blockchain code, Ethereum Classic was created to serve a portion of the Ethereum community who split off in order to create a more decentralised currency.
  • Dash (DASH): Developed by software programmer, Evan Duffield, this cryptocurrency’s focus is on instant transactions and on its owners’ privacy. Dash has an infrastructure that enables much faster transactions than other currencies and therefore displays higher liquidity than many of its counterparts.
  • XRP by Ripple Labs (XRP): Perhaps the most widely adopted cryptocurrency, XRP was created by American programmer, Jed McCaleb. Ripple Labs enables financial institutions to exchange different currencies, cryptocurrencies and alternative forms of payment like frequent flyer miles. Since it is already in use by many well-known brands, such as Bank of America and UBS, XRP is highly liquid and in constant demand.
  • Stellar (XLM): Co-founded by Jed McCaleb, who also started Ripple, Stellar is a platform intended for quick and cost-effective money transfer and exchange. The Stellar currency is called Lumens (or XLM), and is used as a bridging currency on the platform, which is the reason that the price of each token is considerably lower than that of other cryptos.
  • NEO (NEO): Often called ‘Chinese Ethereum,’ NEO was the first Chinese-made cryptocurrency. NEO creator Da Hongfei modeled the blockchain network to comply with Chinese regulations, to be easily modified and to have no forking ability - so that it faces less challenges in the Chinese market than other cryptocurrencies.

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*Cryptocurrencies can fluctuate widely in prices and are therefore not appropriate for all investors. Trading cryptocurrencies is not supervised by any EU regulatory framework. Your capital is at risk.

Thursday 4 October 2018

Tim Berners-Lee launched his vision for an alternative web, and his timing was impeccable

  • Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the world wide web, posted a blog on Saturday laying out his vision to create a new, decentralized web.
  • Berners-Lee has expressed his discontent with the way his invention has been abused by powerful entities to pursue their own agendas.
  • He wants to give users more personal control over their data and apps using his new platform, Solid.
  • Following the news of a massive data breach at Facebook which affected over 50 million users, Berners-Lee's announcement was well-timed.
Tim Berners-Lee invented the world wide web, and for a while now he's been trying to break it.

I use mCent Browser to surf the net and earn points for free recharge. Install from Google Play:
In a blog post posted on Medium on Saturday, Berners-Lee outlined what he's been up to - and it amounts to a manifesto for a new, fairer internet.
His intervention was well timed. Just a day earlier, Facebook provided a reminder of exactly the kind of thing that Berners-Lee is kicking against, when it revealed the details of a massive data breach affecting 50 million users.
"For all the good we've achieved, the web has evolved into an engine of inequity and division; swayed by powerful forces who use it for their own agendas," Berners-Lee wrote, reflecting on his invention. "Today, I believe we've reached a critical tipping point, and that powerful change for the better is possible - and necessary."
Berners-Lee has been a vocal opponent of big tech companies abusing user data, calling for more regulation and saying he was "devastated" by the Cambridge Analytica scandal.
He hopes to put the genie back in the bottle with a two-pronged approach.
Firstly, he pointed to his open-source project Solid, which he has been working on over the past few years. With Solid, Berners-Lee hopes to give users much more control over their data, allowing them to decide which of their apps can access it.
"Solid is a platform, built using the existing web. It gives every user a choice about where data is stored, which specific people and groups can access select elements, and which apps you use," he wrote.
He also launched a new company, Inrupt, which will provide a commercial structure within which to push Solid forward.
"Inrupt's success is totally aligned to Solid's success," he wrote. "Inrupt will be the infrastructure allowing Solid to flourish. Its mission is to provide commercial energy and an ecosystem to help protect the integrity and quality of the new web built on Solid."
Inrupt's CEO and Berners-Lee's partner is John Bruce, who was formerly CEO at a cybersecurity company Resilient, which was acquired by IBM in 2016.
"Inrupt's mission is to ensure that Solid becomes widely adopted by developers, businesses, and eventually... everyone; that it becomes part of the fabric of the web," Bruce wrote in a blog post on Inrupt's site.
"I'm incredibly optimistic for this next era of the web," Berners-Lee added. "The future is still so much bigger than the past."

Today, I am proud to announce my next venture, inrupt. Partnering with Sir Tim Berners- Lee, we are resetting the balance of power on the web and reigniting its true potential. Learn more here:

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Dos & Dont's of the Associates Program

Dos & Dont's of the Associates Program

What you should know: Important Guidelines for the Associates Program

We’re aware of some misconceptions out there about what’s OK and what isn’t in regards to the Associates Program. To help clear things up, we’ve created what we hope is a simple, straightforward list of the kinds of behaviors that are allowed and not allowed. If something is not allowed, and you do it anyway, it’s likely that we’ll end up having to suspend or terminate your Associate account and/or withhold all earnings. Please don’t make us do that.

The table below is by no means a substitute for the Operating Agreement, Program Participation Requirements, Program Linking Requirements, and Program Trademark Guidelines. We encourage you to become familiar with all of the documents and policies as they are relevant to you. Below are just a few guidelines based on what is permitted under the Operating Agreement and we would like you to run promotion campaigns in the true spirit of helping your customers choose a good product on

Your and our rights are contained within the Operating Agreement so please do not view any activities conducted by other associates as an indication of a change in any policy or the Operating Agreement unless explicitly communicated by us. When in doubt, stick to the guidelines below and feel free to reach out to us for confirmation.
Dos & Don'ts of the Amazon Associates Program

Affiliate Marketing Using Facebook Groups

Affiliate Marketing Using Facebook Groups

Article contributed by a Facebook Associate operating a niche interest-based group
Long gone are the days when you needed to run a website to do affiliate marketing – thanks to its all-pervasive presence in our lives, social media is the new marketing hotspot. If you want to make the most of it, though, here are a few pointers…

Benefits Of Affiliate Marketing Through Facebook Groups

Compared to regular Facebook Pages, Facebook Groups are far easier to create and manage. If you have a limited budget for advertising and audience-building, but you’re confident about the relevance and uniqueness of your content, a Group can be an ideal starting point, as initial members will add their friends along the way. If this proves successful, you’ll have conjured up an engaged audience, attracted solely by your content, without spending a penny. Also, when compared to a standard Page, an active community in a Facebook Group has the potential to create far more organic reach for your posts.

But How Do I Promote My Posts?

Because Facebook doesn’t allow you to promote Facebook Group posts, you’ll struggle to grow your audience beyond the organic reach of your Group. However, this can be offset by setting up a Page where you can share the posts from your Group and use advertising to promote them. However, don’t post direct Affiliate links in your advertised posts, as this contravenes the Terms Of Service. However, you can include your Group link – as a comment on each post on your Page – so that anyone in your Page’s audience can easily join your Group, if they’re interested.

Note that, by default, every member is allowed to create a post in a Group. This might become a problem in your Group as, in extreme circumstances, it may be swamped with irrelevant, controversial, or spam posts. You could of course restrict this by limiting posting rights to Admins only. However, bear in mind this might antagonise your Group’s members, so it needs to be handled very delicately.

What Should I Create A Group About?

You should always base a Group around an interest or hobby you’re really passionate about: one you love to talk about and build conversations around. Affiliate marketing requires patience, dedication and really hard work… Just plucking a topic out of the air in the hope of earning commissions is unlikely to work out well.

So be honest with yourself when it comes to this all-important decision, and decide if you can offer your members a unique angle on or approach to a topic – and also whether you know your market sufficiently well. As an example; if you’re passionate about mobile phones, and have more expertise on them than the average person, then that’s a promising start; but at the outset, you should also assess whether you know enough about them to spot good discounts and deals, to judge whether your deals would be unique, and whether you can invest sufficient time in finding them to post on your own content and so on…

A good rule-of-thumb to help you decide is to ask yourself: even if affiliate commission was not involved, would I still want to create a Group, and invest hours into building a vibrant community, based around this particular topic?

How Do I Attract Members To Begin With?

Your initial members need to be people who can offer you some constructive feedback. So, a trusted set of friends would be great place to start. If you’re not comfortable with your friends being in the Group, search for a set of Groups similar to yours, and create a post there. Mention clearly what your Group is about, and offer some compelling reasons why people should join it. Of course, you should always gain permission from any Groups’ moderators before creating a post.

It’s very important to keep your members engaged. So when you create your Group, don’t just focus on attracting new members. Instead, create four or five informative, high-value posts before inviting waves of members, so that once they join, there’s something there to engage them and they won’t end up just staring at a blank page. If you already have a few relevant articles and posts on your website, you could share those in the Group too, to start with.

How Do I Post Affiliate Links?

You can either embed your Affiliate link in your post, or include it as a clickable link. If you have multiple links in a single post, then go with the clickable approach, as that will make the post look neat. Moreover, Facebook and Twitter don’t allow you to edit the preview of an embedded link, so the clickable link is the preferred option. Always shorten your links using Amazon Link Shortener Tool- SiteStripe [LINK TO SITESTRIPE :], to keep your posts neat and tidy.

Do I Need To Tell Group Members I’m Earning Commissions From The Links I Post?

Yes – you need to be explicit, and should mention this in the Group description. Also, repeat it in your pinned post. If possible, put a Disclaimer in every new post that contains Affiliate links. It’s very easy for anyone to find out that your links are Affiliate links, so not telling them is a surefire way to lose the trust you’ve built up with your members. Being upfront about your Affiliate links will help maintain your integrity. If you’re giving them great value and good advice on their future purchases etc, they’re unlikely to object to you earning commissions through sales.

When Will I Begin Earning?

If what you’re offering (reviews, deals, discounts, advice and so on) really stands out, and ultimately makes your members make better buying decisions, then it’s possible that you’ll begin earning relatively quickly. Having said that, you should focus on building your community first. Don’t compromise the quality of your posts, just so you can make a quick buck. Research, read, curate, and then post. With a vibrant community that trusts your word, money will soon follow.

Monday 24 September 2018

2 free and popular web analytic software that help with web traffic

2 free and popular web analytic software that help with web traffic

Web traffic is a measure of your popularity over the internet and via the internet. Larger the number of viewers, larger is the possibility of business. Website designers, content writers, bloggers, website owners are all engaged in making their website SEO friendly in all known and possible ways. Web analytic software is a very necessary invention in this aspect. It helps you understand visitor’s response to your website and other similar websites allowing you to campaign or design your website more effectively. The result is a wave of traffic steered clearly towards your website.  In this article, a brief discussion has been provided for some free web analytic software and tools that help you gain a surge of web traffic.
  1. Google Analytics: This software has to top the list in this category. It is simple to use and anybody having a Google account can use it. It provides statistics and reports about how a user interacts with your website. Statistics like the top and the most relevant keywords, top page headings, country-wise traffic distribution and many more. This helps in modifying your sales and internet marketing design. The software also provides leads in how to improve the SEO based on real time interaction of the visitor with your website and other competitive websites. The website owner has to place a code provided by this software in each and every page of his website. Then he can know how the customer has interacted with the website, what search queries he has demanded; in short what was he looking for. All these interactions will be sent automatically to the Google servers. It will interpret and analyze and send back a report. Users do not have any control on the interpretation. One of the problems will this software is that it is machine based or rather IP address based. This means it is unable to track multiple visitors using the same machine. This is has some amount of impact on internet marketing.
  2. Piwik: This is open source software that provides web analysis. It means program codes are available for customization and extension. This software can be used on a cloud platform as well as on private server. User privacy is thus high. It provides a myriad of relevant statistics information on which you can actually construct a perfect marketing campaign as well as be SEO smart and more than competitive. This program helps you know about the top keywords, page headings, page URLS, websites, time the user spent on your website, whether he has come back, number of pages he has visited in each log in and many more. They provide you with real time data updates, a customizable dashboard where you can see all the activities in one or all of your websites and others. It provides an E-commerce analytic tool. With Piwik, you will have all the information you require to grow the web traffic and your business.

5 amazing but less known tips for social media marketing

5 amazing but less known tips for social media marketing

social media
‘Social media is the term commonly given to Internet and mobile-based channels and tools which enable the users all over the world to know a well as interact with each other and share opinions and content. As it is clear from the name, social media can be defined as network of different communities and networks across the world that encourages and engages people to participate and know each other. Social media are being used extensively as a marketing platform because:
  1. Both social media messaging and social media network are extremely popular these days.
  2. You can get a whole array of precious leads.
  • You can study product or content reaction of your customers right away in the same page.
  1. Trust building or goodwill building can be done by social media
  2. Both paid as well organic advertisements are possible.
Following are 5 less known but effective tips for social media marketing:
  1. Do your homework before you publish: Analyze your content for customer relevance and reaction before you publish. Marketers often choose to build content and modify it according to public reactions. It is better that you glean your content before you publish. After you prepare your content you can submit one of your keywords to some web analysis software that will show you a report of several contextual pages (quoting the same keyword) in the order of their performance in the same social network. You can trust the software BuzzSumo for this purpose. This provides your website an additional leverage increasing your success rate among your competitors.
  2. Visuals appeal the most: Images with catchy taglines have always made content to look glamorous and appealing. This is a tool for creating ‘engaging’ contents that most of guides on digital marketing talk.
  • Link small engaging videos to larger detailed videos. This is the new successful trend of social media The small video is to make the targeted audience curious to know more. The link takes back to the main website. The landing video has more details about the product or the content.
  1. Write different contents for each of the social media network you are targeting based on:
  2. Your target in that particular media channel. For example, you might be using a particular social media channel for product promotion or some specific lead generation or to build a good client experience.
  3. The type of content that suits that channel. For example, when creating contents for Facebook your tone of writing should not be boring. It should seem like you are imposing your company and product details on the visitor. The language should be interesting, light and fun to read. You need to show your visitors why they need your products. Twitter entertains a more serious and direct tone.
  4. You need to be active in these social media pages also. Frequent and informative posts should be uploaded on a regular basis. For example, there should be at least one post every weekend so that your fans do not miss you!

Internet marketing with a Remarketing strategy

Internet marketing with a Remarketing strategy

remarketing strategy
Digital marketing or internet marketing  has evolved superfast in the last decade or so with the advent and popularity of new marketing strategies, principles, ideas and assisting softwares of various categories like web analytic or E-commerce. But with everybody plunging into the same pool, the competition has become fierce and advanced. Competition begins right from being visible on the search engine page or in other web pages. Visibility on the SERP is one of the initial stages of internet marketing; accomplished by paid or unpaid SEM or Search Engine Marketing. In this stage you want your visitors to click on your ad or organic links and visit your web page. In this context, remarketing is the next logical step for online advertisement. Remarketing means to post ads in several websites across several networks that your visitors visit. People often leave your website without doing business or other desired interactions. You pull in those visitors with Remarketing ads with an attempt to convert them into customers. Customers are also pulled in with retargeting ads for further sales. However, it is to be noted that Remarketing is ad posting; it will cost you. Thus it needs to be balanced and optimized so that you get a higher conversion rate and a better ROI. Following are some tips in this context that can help you generate an optimized Remarketing strategy:
  1. Ad budget should be proportionally reduced on early stage visitors. Selecting everyone for remarketing ads is not a wise idea. It is true larger the number of ad impressions larger is the conversion rate. But this is that area of sales funnel where you select and you select wisely. This will increase your ROI. Visitor who only visited your home page need not be given all those high budget remarketing ads. You can send them a soft CTA like a webinar or a newsletter about your newly launched product.
  2. Lead quality is more important than lead quantity for any middle phase online business. Business objectives change with growth. Your remarketing policies should change accordingly. Aggressive CRO increases lead quantity but reduces lead quality. Generating leads may not lead to a better ROI in certain aspects especially when you are spending on remarketing ads. A perfect balance needs to be achieved between lead quality and quantity. Large web traffic and revisits might not help to promote sales or promote sales that are very less meaningful and profitable to your business according to your current status. Try to categorize your visitors: those who may not make sales, those who will make sales, those who will make small sales and those who will make large sales. Send different types and different budget remarketing ads accordingly. Sometimes, the business might require generating some specific amount of leads or customers in a specified amount of time. You need to plan your remarketing strategies accordingly.
  • Remarketing today is being modified into something called Super Remarketing by combining factors like demographics, behavior and tempting contents. Do not forget to try the trends.

The translucent partition between web design and graphic design

The translucent partition between web design and graphic design

web design
We often think the professions of web designing and graphic designing to be synonymous. These two categories of professionals may share the same broad work space but they are two different niches. They may both deal in creating pages in the web but their working methods are distinctly different. Their working idea may sometimes overlap. Let us say that the partition between these two categories of occupation is translucent and not opaque.  In this article, the major differences between these two occupations are being discussed. Some points of comparison are being discussed below:
  1. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics recognizes web design and graphic design as two different subjects. Graphic design falls under the subject group or discipline of “Arts and Design” while Web design falls under the category of “Computer and Information Technology. Lucidly speaking the graphic designer is concerned with the artistic part of the web page while the web designer is more concerned with the technical aspect.
  2. The web designer creates his design by means of computer codes and uses several programs like HTML while the graphic designer sketches images both on his drawing sheets and also with the help of programs. Graphic designers use typography, images, font style and other elements to represent an idea. The products that they create can be used in brochures, posters, magazines, presentations and also in a web page. They are not concerned with program development which is the area where a web designer is required. The web designer is thus often referred to as a web developer while a graphic designer is the end user or application user.
  • The web designer has to design objects in such a manner that it should be quickly viewable and downloadable. Screen resolution matters in case of web page designing. Also, people or the target audience viewing the designed web page should be able to quickly comprehend the idea and the message of the content. It should be effective tool to fetch more business in a quick and sure shot way. Designs created by a graphic designer are not constrained by factors like speed and resolution. Of course, they have their target audience and they need to impress them or fetch business with their designs. But they do not need to match their design with various aspects or efficiency of the internet.
  1. Job openings for a graphic designer are mostly in the printing industry. Needless to say that a web designer has a job market in the internet or programming industry itself.
  2. A web designer usually has a higher salary package than a graphic designer. The average yearly income of a web designer in US is $62,000 approximately while a graphic designer earns approximately $44,000 per year.
They often say that the best web page can be created when a web designer collaborates with a graphic designer. There are professionals who have acquired degrees in both of these occupations. The art of web designing truly reaches a pinnacle with these professionals.

Does your business need the different social media marketing channels?

Does your business need the different social media marketing channels?

social media
Social media has been present ever since the people started using the web. As the social media evolved and encompassed a huge population under its attractive umbrella, advertisers, bloggers and businesses saw these as a unique way of connecting with people, finding and establishing leads, promoting products and business. Today, even the small sized business with a website has a page or a footprint in the social media sites. Social media presence has become one of the major pillars of digital marketing. But there are several channels that are relevant to social media marketing. However they can be grouped according to the functions they provide to their users. If you are looking out for social media marketing then you should know about these categories and how they can actually help your business or blog to popularize.  Following are the broad sub divisions:
  1. Social networks that build personal relationships: Two useful examples in this category include websites like Facebook and match making or dating websites. People signing for these websites are allowed to have their own web page. Most of the functions being organic caused the immense popularity of these sites within this short period of time. People share their personal data publicly across several users, known or unknown to him and they can keep all their uploaded or shared data under one single tab. You can use this network to connect to your leads and clients on a personal level through discussion threads, new posts and customer sections. Facebook or Twitter presence of business is recognized today as the most important strategy for internet marketing.
  2. Social network that shares media contents: Videos and images are considered to be more effective tools than text contents. Uploading contents on a YouTube platform has always proved to be an effective social media marketing approach. If you have a series of images then Instagram can be your platform.
  • Social network that posts online reviews: Yelp, TripAdvisor, UrbanSpoon are some of the most popular social network sites that posts reviews about various things. Your business needs to be present in these websites. Today people simply live and trust internet more than anything else. They consult these online review platforms where people like critics, existing customers post their experience about a particular brand or service or product or commodity. To be present on any of these websites that is relevant to your business niche means that you get to know about your clients’ reactions; you get to know about that dissatisfied client; you get to make the right sales pitch to bring him back on board; you get to improve; also you get the opportunity to make further direct sales to the satisfied customer by using the correct marketing strategy.
  1. Social networks like Discussion forums: Discussion forums are basically a base where people input their knowledge about a particular topic. This collective knowledge is extremely useful and relevant to many users. Your business needs to share relevant contents in an intelligent way such that users reach your websites for services and products. Participation in several topics of relevance creates a kind of trust among people.

Friday 21 September 2018

3 common SEM mistakes you should avoid

3 common SEM mistakes you should avoid

search engine marketing
Every blogger has an internet presence today in form of websites or web page in social media. Thus online competition is fierce. The competition primarily is to be visible when searched by the user in any non-paid search engine. Search engines like Google and Bing are some of the most trusted websites of today. If your website is being placed in a higher rank in SERP or Search Engine Result Page of Google, then your website is one of the best among those who have a website. SEM or Search Engine Marketing has thus evolved. It encompasses some important pillars of digital marketing. It is about how to be visible among millions of relevant websites during a search query and how to make it to the top. In this context the following five points are some common mistakes which we often do despite of our best intentions:
  1. Ignoring the home page: The home page or the landing page is basically the face of the entire website. Its importance lies in the fact of impressing and properly introducing the visitor to your website. In case of SEM, or impressing the search engine, a bad landing page can result in nullifying all your efforts. Proper and well-researched keywords should be well distributed throughout the content. Title, heading, URL should contain that perfect keyword. Usage of long tail keywords is mandatory if you want to pull in the right customer and be visible in the top of their SERP. Web design and good typography should never be ignored. Making a landing page bleached of proper contents will not help you win the search engine competition both in the advertiSEMent as well as in the unpaid links categories. Ineffective SEM means very less web traffic from search engines even if the other sections of your website stores some good quality contents. Even if a visitor lands on your website, he will be looking out for incentives like discounts or gripping contents. So ignoring the landing page will cost you.
  2. Your website does not have a Mobile application: Smart phones have become so common that people does most of their internet surfing via their phones. You can all your shopping and internet searching while on the move. It saves time and also it is easy to carry. Every business, games, television channels, shops and others have their own application. If your website does not have an Android compatible application, then you are missing out a large section of the customer population.
  • You do not analyze how your website is performing: A whole series of different kinds of web analytics software are available today. They measure several web related parameters that can give you a direct input of how the customer is reacting to your website and help you build the right SEM tactics and redesign your website. Some examples any of these standard software can provide you: reports on the number of visitors per day, how much time they spent on your website, which section they clicked, detect returning visitors, differentiate between bots and human visitor, traffic source according to country region, how the keywords you used are performing today, how your paid SEM ads are performing and many more.

How to find the right internet marketing agency for your business?

How to find the right internet marketing agency for your business?

internet marketing
Internet marketing is no longer the job of amateurs. If you are serious about your business and you want to make the most from your online presence then you are going to need a host of professionals. This article consists of some useful tips that might help you to find the right internet marketing agency:
  1. You should be clear about the functional area in which you need assistance for your website promotion. The problem is that the field of digital marketing has many streams and brooklets; each of which contributes in some way or the other to promote your contents. Your team may be able to do some of the aspects of digital marketing while you might need help with others. Following are some subjects or aspects of internet marketing :
  2. Content writing
  3. Multimedia production
  4. Web designing and development
  5. SEO or Search Engine Optimization
  6. SEM or Search Engine Marketing
  7. Web analytics
  8. SMM or Social Media Marketing or Management of Social Media pages
  9. Remarketing
  10. Inbound Marketing
Based on your requirement you need to choose your internet marketing company. Some provide all of the above services while others do few of them. Know and discuss the functional areas of your digital marketing company before you choose one.
  1. Research about the reputation and the SEO presence of the company. If it tops the list of your Google search result page then it should be one of the most recommendable companies in this field. Try to narrow down your search with long tail and specific keywords. A good SEO or SEM presence will signify that they are conversant with the methods of digital marketing. Thus you can expect a high end performance from them.

  • You should know and research a bit about the methods your chosen company uses. If you have a team of professionals in this category, it is advisable that you fix up an appointment with the marketing head of the company prior to engaging them in the contract.

  1. Budget is a very important controlling factor in this case. Negotiation for the final price quote is the most common practice. You can negotiate on price, length of the service and the type of the service and its methods. Your company might not need some high end internet marketing Thus you should be careful to identify your need because the world of digital marketing is evolving at a fast pace with all the robust technologies, state-of-the-art software and their analogs and others. However, it is to be borne in mind that paying the lowest in the market will not bring you the cream professionals to your team. It is advisable this to go for a median quote.

You are one who is in control of the business plan. The internet marketing agency should be helpful enough to support and sharpen that plan. If your appointed agency is unable to bring results never think twice to bring about a change.

5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Seeking Funding For Startup

Seeking financing for your startup is one of the most daunting tasks faced by budding entrepreneurs. The world is littered with examples...