Friday, 21 September 2018

Ecommerce Website Mistakes to Avoid

Ecommerce Website Mistakes to Avoid

Running an online business comes with its own challenges and even tiny details matter. The competition out there is so brutal that missing out on these tiny details can be a make or break for your ecommerce business. People become myopic in their vision and only focus on getting the visitor to their webpage. But if your website can not convert the visitor into a buyer, you will be soon packing bags.

Let’s look through the most common cringe worthy ecommerce website mistakes so that you can avoid them:
  1. Insufficient Product Images: We are a visual society where people like what they can see or feel. However, in ecommerce one of the biggest hindrances is that the customer cannot physically see the product. To help make the decision, include photos of the product from different angels, colors etc. to help them out. Using poor quality images can also be a turn off.
  2. Scarce Product Description: Having a product description that describes everything about the product is extremely important. Include dimensions, the materials used and how it can be used. And make sure that the description of the product actually matches the picture.
  3. No Prominent Call To Action: Even though it seems common sense to prominently display the buy now or some button for this action, many websites have it hidden. Yes, the buyer is there to buy something but if he cannot spot the buy option immediately, he is not going to waste time finding it.
  4. Not Displaying Policies: This might not seem like such a big deal but it can make a huge difference. Consumer do not like uncertainty and like to see clearly what the various policies area and do not want to email the company to ask them. Make sure the following policies are visible in every product description:
    • Shipping Policy
    • Return Policy
    • Privacy Policy
    • Terms of Use Policy
  5. Complex Checkout Process: Do you really need to know the middle name of the customer? One of the major causes of not conversion are shopping cart abandonment because the complex process confuses the customer. Keep it easy, ask the bare minimum information, and display all the important information and prominently place the coupon code field if your website offers it.
  6. Not Tracking Your Website: There is always room for improvement. Track your website to find out where exactly the visitor abandoned the site and if there is something you can do to improve it.
  7. Poor Search Capabilities: Seeing an error page is one of the most frustrating things. If the search item does not match any product in your system, refer them to related products. Also make sure your products can be searched through keywords as well not just the name of the product.
  8. Complex Navigation: Make is easy for people to navigate your site and make it easier for the people to find what they will be looking for in each step of the shopping process.
Other than these common mistakes, make sure that your website is responsive and displays all the relevant information.

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